Learning reading comprehension skills can be easy and fun
Improve your kid’s reading comprehension skills effortlessly with a unique step by step approach

Our Learning Philosophy
Learning at My ABC Reading is designed for holistic development of your child’s reading comprehension
skills through interactive and fun learning lessons.

Ambition to be the leaders
of tomorrow.

Belief in their reading

Bring the change you want
in their reading skills.
Our courses
Give your child the power of reading!
Unleash your child’s reading potential with My ABC Reading.

My ABC Reading makes learning, and reading comprehension skills exciting and simple for kids.
A proven step by step approach that helps your child learn to read with phonics.
That really works for your child!
Learn with My ABC Reading!
Reading lessons that your child will love.
A proven step-by-step approach that helps your child learn to read with phonics.
Come learn with My ABC Reading!
Designed by Internationally
trained experts
Interactive and fun
Step by step unique
learning approach
Live Individual and group
Self learning course videos.
at home
My ABC English free phonics
learning app in the playstore
Now your child can start reading with phonics using 10 simple reading lessons.
Reading lessons that your child will love with animated videos, quizzes, certification while feeling proud of their reading skills.

Sign up for the online course or live sessions personalized to your child’s individual reading needs.
Timir Naha CEO and founder of Myabcenglish.com •
An Internationally acclaimed expert with extensive knowledge and training in teaching reading comprehension skills to kids globally
Testimonials by satisfied parents In over 100 countries